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Arte Live (German)

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Name Arte DE
Category General Entertainment Documentary German
Country Germany

arte germanArte Live, a European public service channel that is dedicated to culture, is called. It is composed of three companies: the Strasbourg-based European Economic Interest Grouping ARTE and two member companies that act as programme production and editorial centres. ARTE France, Paris (formerly La Sept), and ARTE Deutschland, Baden-Baden (a subsidiary to the two major German public TV networks ARD/ZDF).

It is an international joint venture (an EEIG), and its programmes are geared towards audiences in both countries. The channel features two audio tracks and two sub-titling tracks. One each in French or German.

Arte receives 80% of its programming from its French and German subsidiaries. Each subsidiary makes half of the programs. The European subsidiary and its European partners provide the remainder. Select programmes can be accessed online with English, Spanish and Polish subtitles.

Bruno Patino, President, ARTE France, was elected President of Arte GEIE in January 2021. Peter Weber, Head, Legal Affairs, ZDF, was elected Vice President. Tom Buhrow (President of Westdeutscher Rundfunk, WDR) was elected to the General Assembly of ARTE GEIE. He also served as Chairman of the German association of broadcasters ARD. Nicolas Seydoux (President of Gaumont) was elected Vice-Chairman

This is the Arte DE's YouTube channel.


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